About Us

Meet all the wonderful animals that fill our home with love here at Gemini Pet Supply. Annie, Noodles, Chloe, Lily, Tom, Jack and Potato. Dogs, Ferrets and a grumpy little hedgehog.



Meet Noodles. He's our handsome King Charles/Cocker Spaniel Cross who loves cuddles, barking at loud noises and stealing toys from his sister Annie. He's about 7 years old and acts like a kid somedays, and an elderly man other days. He's perfectly okay with lounging around the house all day, but will never pass up an opportunity to go on an adventure. 


This is Annie, She's coming up on two years old and is a collie cross. Annie is our adventurous dog who loves anything outdoors. She spends her winters digging in snow drifts and enjoying the snowy weather, and her summers hiking and swimming with us any chance she gets. She likes to use her puppy dog eyes to con treats out of anyone who has any. 



This is Chloe, our cinnamon coloured ferret. She's playful, sassy and loves to climb all over me. Unfortunately, she also competes for my attention with Lily, which can be quite funny to watch, until she starts nipping me to get me to play with her instead. Overall, I can't complain about Chloe, her little bites don't hurt and she is a joy to have around.


This little rascal is Lily. She should have been named Lightning McQueen with the way she races around everywhere. It took me more tries than I'd like to count to get a picture of her standing still. You will almost always find her running, climbing, playing or digging. She only ever stops moving when she wants my attention. Then she cuddles for a few minutes before getting back in action. She is also the youngest of our four ferrets. 

Jack is our oldest at a whopping 9 years old. Don't let his age fool you, he can keep up with the rest of the gang no problem. He just requires a few more naps than the others throughout the day. He's the most cuddly out of the bunch and once he's had enough playtime he will almost certainly want to snuggle up and take a nap.

Tom is the biggest of the bunch. He loves his bin of rice and playing with his sister Lily. On top of that, he's also quite the mama's boy, and will never pass up an opportunity to cuddle with her. In contrast to his sisters, he isn't much of a climber, and prefers to stay on solid ground. 10/10 good boy.


Last but not least is our pokey friend Potato. We got potato from a home that didn't do a great job at taking care of him and giving him the socialization he needed. Since getting him, he has improved tremendously. His skin issues have cleared up, his quills are healthier and gets handled often. Despite all the improvements he is still a little grumpy and slow to come around to people. I'm not sure that will ever fully be resolved, but regardless of his sometimes grumpy demeanour, he is very loved here in our home.